

  • Mg-Cal


    • It helps to prevent bone loss and bone disorders by stimulating the absorption of calcium into bones and teeth.
    • Magnesium plays a vital role for normal physiologic functioning of cells, nerves, muscles, bones, and heart.
    • Zinc is important for better immune system, and plays an important role in regulating how neurons communicate with one another.
    • Vitamin D3 helps to prevent bone disorders such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
    • Boron helps to improve brain function, metabolize insulin and supports metabolic processes.


     750.00 Read more
  • Nutra D-Tab (Calcium & Vitamin D3)

    • Supports absorption and utilization of calcium into the bones.
    • Helps to reduce the risk of rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
    • Supports hormonal balance, regulates blood pressure.
  • Calwise-D (Bones & Joints Health)

    • Important for growth and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
    • Helps to maintain muscle and nerve functions and supports cardiovascular health.
    • Maintain insulin metabolism in people with diabetes.
     850.00 1,450.00

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